Friday, November 20, 2009

The Maine Illustrators Collective

My equine artwork, a cover for "Thunderhead" by Mary O'Hara, has the honor of a place in The Maine Illustrators Collective show, 'The Classics ReImagined' which may be viewed at the Freeport Public Library, Freeport, ME. We all enjoyed the opening.
It was fun seeing the reactions of visitors to the library as they viewed the various reimagined covers! What a variety of media and imagination all of the artists bring to their work.

Fall is winding down. That's nothing new. It actually isn't terrible to see it get dark so early now that leaves are mulched and deluged with rain. The ones that were raked, bagged in the free biodegradeable bags, set by the curb at 7 a.m. Monday as directed, were picked up by the town trucks and are doing their thing at the compost heap.
All the outdoor work is finished. Deadlines for writing and artwork are met.(All but one portrait). NOW is the time for closets! I am anticipating this, can you tell?
So: INTO the closets. GRAB all those clothes. KEEP only what truly is flattering. DRIVE everything else to Goodwill. But, don't leave to do that until clothes are sorted again and back on the closet pole, and shoes are organized on the floor. THEN, off to Goodwill.ALL THIS COULD TAKE MORE THAN ONE DAY. IF IT DOESN'T, and even if it does,THERE'S ALWAYS THE OTHER CLOSET. YES! DO THAT ONE TOO. HOW FREEING TO FIND WHAT I NEED TO WEAR WHEN I NEED IT.

And then, off to the artwork and more revisions for 'The Sidewalker", with a clear mind.

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